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  • Plays of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Plays of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Plays of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov PDF edition and other Anton Pavlovich Chekhov books available for free download from our library.


This book is a collection of most famous Plays of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a Russian dramatist and a Physician by academics remembered as one of the greatest short story writers.

This collection contains his two of his full length plays The Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard and six one act plays including On The High Road, The Proposal, The Wedding, The Bear, The Anniversary and A Tragedian In Spite Of Himself.

Three Sisters: This play has been inspired by the author from three Brontë sisters. A Russian family of three sisters Olga Sergeyevna Prozorova, Maria Sergeyevna Kulygina, and Irina Sergeyevna Prozorova lives with their only brother Andrei Sergeyevich Prozorov. Their present life in a small town is without any recreation and they always dream of their native life at Mascow. All of them get married but longing for luxurious and social mingling. They choose the wrong path to live up their dream life and ending up in a tragic sequence.

The Cherry Orchard: Madame Lyubov Andreievna Ranevskaya, an aristocratic woman is a spoiled lady ignores her liabilities and continues to enjoy her luxurious life. When she returns back to her home after a vacation, faces the legal threat of losing her estate the Cherry Orchard. In spite of the threat she continues to live in the past and deludes her family. In the end she faces the reality of her beautiful cherry trees are being axed down by the debtor.

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