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  • Plays Of Susan Glaspell

Plays Of Susan Glaspell

by Susan Glaspell

Plays Of Susan Glaspell PDF edition and other Susan Glaspell books available for free download from our library.


The Plays of Susan Glaspell is a collection of her most popular plays contains Four plays Trifles ,The Outside ,Inheritors, and The Verge. Susan Glaspell is an American playwright and novelist who won the Pulitzer Prize for her drama Alison's House. Her literary contributions of Novels, Short stories and Plays include The Glory of the Conquered, The Visioning, Lifted Masks, A Jury of Her Peers, The Comic Artist, and Free Laughter.

This collection contains two one act plays and two full-length plays titled Trifles, The Outside, The Verge, and Inheritors. Trifles is a one act play which narrates the investigation skills of two women which turned out to be an important clue, while the legal investigators were looking for concrete evidence to convict the wife of the murdered.

The Outside is a one act play which narrates the emptiness of two women Mrs. Patrick and Allie Mayo, who have exiled from the outside world due the emotional pains caused by the death of their husbands. Inheritors are a full length which narrates the goodness of a farmer who coveted his farmland for opening a college. His granddaughter after 40 years jeopardize her grandfather’s wish and ultimately pays the price by getting imprisonment.

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