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  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin

by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Uncle Tom's Cabin, an anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, an American Writer who laid the ground work for the American Civil War.

Arthur Shelby, a farm owner at Kentucky, decides to sell two of his slaves to compensate his farm losses. He discusses his plan with his wife Emily Shelby and chose Uncle Tom, a middle aged man who is loved by Shelby’s son George Shelby and Harry, the only surviving son of their maid Eliza. Over hearing their discussion, Eliza runs away with his son leaving a letter of apology to her mistress.
While ran away Eliza meets her husband George Harris, however the slave family had been traced by Tom Loker, a slave hunter. In an encounter George push loker down a cliff and injuring him. However Eliza influence George to save the life of Loker and they admit him a nearby Quaker for treatment. In the preceding incidents Tom Loker getting healed and changes himself and help the George family to obtain freedom after crossing to Canada.

Tom is sold by a slave trader on a riverboat to St. Clare who is onboard in the river along with his daughter Eva. The deep Christian faith between Tom and Eva makes them friends. Tom succumbs to hopelessness how ever does not change his belief on Christianity and faith. In the preceding incident he was beaten to death for encouraging his fellow slave to escape. During his deathbed, his old masters the Shelbys arrives to buy him back, however he passes away.

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