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  • The Red Badge of Courage -  An Episode of the American Civil War

The Red Badge of Courage - An Episode of the American Civil War

by Stephen Crane

The Red Badge of Courage - An Episode of the American Civil War PDF edition and other Stephen Crane books available for free download from our library.


The Red Badge of Courage is a war novel written by Stephen Crane, an American author remembered for his realism, Naturalism and Impressionism. Apart from his magnum opus The Red Badge of Courage his literary works during short life of 28 years, includes Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, The Black Riders and Other Lines, George's Mother, The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure and War is Kind, and Active Service.

The Red Badge of Courage is war novel based on the American Civil War. Unlike other war novels, this novel narrates the psychology of an individual soldier in the battle field rather than the strategies in other war novels. Though the author had never had first-hand experience in war, this work is very much realistic.

Henry Fleming, the protagonist has his own doubts about his bravery, flees away from the battle field after seeing the first dead body. During flee he encounters many wounded soldiers and was given letter from one of the fellow soldier to be handed over to his family. Herny comes back to the regiment and thinks nobody noticed his cowardliness of escaping, as his flee attempt happened in the dark. In the preceding incidents, the general consider the regiment of Henry to be unfit for war and decides to sacrifice their life. This incident made henry to rethink about his capability and he fought like a capable soldier including carrying the flag.

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