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  • The Prairie Flower

The Prairie Flower

by Gustave Aimard

The Prairie Flower PDF edition and other Gustave Aimard books available for free download from our library.


The Prairie Flower is a short story written by the author of French origin Gustave Aimard, who has written numerous books about Latin America.  Some of his most popular works are The Trappers of Arkansas, The Trail-Hunter a Tale of the Far West, The Pirates of the Prairies Adventures in the American Desert, The Queen of the Savannah: "A Story of the Mexican War" ,  and  The Freebooters A Story of the Texan War.

The Prairie Flower is a tale of the Indian border which chronicles an unnamed riverbank in America, which is full of secret terrors which are type of fecundity, immensity, and eternity to the numerous Indian nations that inhabit its banks.

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