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  • THE VIKINGS AT  HELGELAND - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 02 (of 11)

THE VIKINGS AT HELGELAND - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 02 (of 11)

by Henrik Ibsen

THE VIKINGS AT HELGELAND - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 02 (of 11) PDF edition and other Henrik Ibsen books available for free download from our library.


Ibsen himself has told us, in his preface to the second edition of The Feast at Solhoug, how the reading of the Icelandic family-sagas suggested to him, in germ, the theme of The Vikings at Helgeland. What he first saw, he says, was the contrasted figures of the two women who ultimately became Hiördis and Dagny, together with a great banquet-scene at which an interchange of taunts and gibes should lead to tragic consequences. So far as one can gather from this statement, the particular theme which he ultimately borrowed from the Volsung-Saga had not yet entered his mind.

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