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  • Queen of the Dawn -  A Love Tale of Old Egypt

Queen of the Dawn - A Love Tale of Old Egypt

by H. Rider Haggard

Queen of the Dawn - A Love Tale of Old Egypt PDF edition and other H. Rider Haggard books available for free download from our library.


There was war in Egypt and Egypt was rent in two. At Memphis in the north, at Tanis, and in all the rich lands of the Delta where by many mouths the Nile flows down to the sea, a usurping race held power, that whose forefathers, generations before, had descended upon Egypt like a flood, destroyed its temples and deposed its gods, possessing themselves of the wealth of the land. At Thebes in the south the descendants of the ancient Pharaohs still ruled precariously, again and again attempting to drive out the fierce Semitic or Bedouin kings, named the Shepherds, whose banners flew from the walls of all the northern cities.

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