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King Solomon's Mines

by H. Rider Haggard

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King Solomon's Mines is an adventure novel set in Africa written by Sir Henry Rider Haggard, an English Novelist whose writings set in exotic locations, among the notables are Allan Quatermain, The World's Desire and Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies.

Aristocrat Sir Henry Curtis’s brother has not returned home after his voyage to an unexplored region in Africa. Along with his friend Captain Good seeks the support of Allan Quatermain, who is an adventurer and hunter, outlived most people in his profession. Quatermain is to be compensated with a lump sum or his son will receive it in case of his death during the journey. Umbopa, a handsome porter also has been taken along with them for the adventurous journey.

The death toll starts, when an Elephant kills one of the servants which is eventually wounded by Quatermain. They travel long way in thrust and end up climbing a mountain and reach a cave. Inside the cave , they could witness the frozen body of Portuguese explorer José Silvestre, who drew the map with his blood. Another servant dies of heavy cold and was made to accompany José Silvestre.

They continue their travel and reach Kukuanaland, an ancient kingdom under the tyrannical rule of King Twala, who killed his brother to claim the throne and the deprived queen and prince Ignosi are drove away to a desert to meet their death. King Twala is assisted by the evil woman Gagool, who advices the king to kill everyone without trial, if they are identified as traitors.

The adventure crew is caught by the soldiers of King Twala. It is revealed that Gagool is the disposed Prince Ignosi. A group of loyalist joins together with the adventurers and end up victorious over King Twala. Gagool is captured and under a threat of death, she guides them to the cave where the King Solomon mines exist.

In the preceding incidents, they encounter life threat of unable to come out of the closed cave and finally they come out in another way and en route they could meet Sir Henry Curtis’s brother who was caught in a crack unable to move in or out. He is saved and Umbopa is crowned as the King of Kukuanaland. The adventure crew returns home with a wealth of precious diamonds to live comfortably.

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