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  • Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 2 of 3)

Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 2 of 3)

by Mrs. Oliphant

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Mrs. Arthur is the second of three volume fiction work written by Mrs. Oliphant. 

ARTHUR CURTIS did not think of the letter which old Davies had given him till days after. It had been crushed up in the pocket of his coat, the sight of his sister, and all the contending emotions of the time having put it out of his head; and what could there be agreeable in such a communication at such a time? A final sermon to him upon his folly, a final admonition as to all the terrible consequences of his fault—he had, he thought, enough of these, and he had not cared to make himself miserable on his wedding-{2}day with such a communication. It was not unmixed delight, even without that, though this was not a confession he made to himself, in words, at least.

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