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  • Merkland or Self Sacrifice

Merkland or Self Sacrifice

by Mrs. Oliphant

Merkland or Self Sacrifice PDF edition and other Mrs. Oliphant books available for free download from our library.


Merkland  is a full length novel which deals with family values and the importance of forgiveness. This novel is written by the Scottish novelist Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant under her pen name Mrs. Oliphant.  

While most of her writings encompassed the domestic realism, she also had written many works of historical and supernatural tales.  She had contributed to the Scottish literature with wide variety of works such as novels, poems, biographies, and short stories.  Some of her notable writings are The Open Door, The Makers of Florence, The Makers of Venice, A Little Pilgrim in the Unseen, and Squire Arden.

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