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  • Ismael; an oriental tale. With other poems

Ismael; an oriental tale. With other poems

by Edward George Lytton Bulwer

Ismael; an oriental tale. With other poems PDF edition and other Edward George Lytton Bulwer books available for free download from our library.


To court applause by oblique dexterity, or without a due sense of respect for public opinion, impertinently to advance pretensions, is equally revolting to the feelings of an ingenuous mind. But as genius and a desire of fame are naturally allied, and, perhaps, the former never existed without the latter; will not the youthful adventurer be justified in endeavouring to stand well in the opinion of the judicious and discerning, by disseminating his works among them—under a confidence, that the more candid will be pleased with the first blossoms of poetical talent, not only as the fruits of industry, but as presages in maturer years of more elevated titles to distinction? With these impressions, the Author of the following Poems has been induced, by the advice of his friends, to offer the present Collection{vi} to the public.

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