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  • Evenings at Donaldson Manor

Evenings at Donaldson Manor

by Maria J. McIntosh

Evenings at Donaldson Manor PDF edition and other Maria J. McIntosh books available for free download from our library.


Evenings at Donaldson Manor is story of Christmas season written by Maria Jane McIntosh, who became popular with Aunt Kitty's Tales, a series of short stories written under her pen name Aunt Kitty. Her notable writings include Praise and Principle, Woman in America: Her Work and Reward, Emily Herbert, and The Lofty and the Lowly.

Evenings at Donaldson Manor narrates the celebration of Christmas season at Miss Donaldson’s house which is attended every year by her two married daughters with their spouse and children. While reading the story you will feel as if you are in Donaldson’s manor and witnessing the joyous celebrations in the house.

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