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  • Bleak House

Bleak House

by Charles Dickens

Bleak House PDF edition and other Charles Dickens books available for free download from our library.


Bleak House is written by Charles Dickens, an English novelist of the Victorian era and the writer of the most famous literature works including “A Tale of Two Cities”, “Great Expectations”, “ A Christmas Carol” and “Oliver Twist” to name a few. 

Bleak House has been conceived by the author’s own experiences in the flaws of British Judicial system, while he was working as a law clerk and his litigation of copyrighting his books.  In spite of a widespread criticism by Chancery lawyers and judges, this novel has created the urge for legal reform. 

This novel narrates the story of an illegitimate child Esther Summerson and endless expenses of court costs of litigants for settlement in England's Court of Chancery.

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