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  • Tractor Principles

Tractor Principles

by Roger B. Whitman

Tractor Principles PDF edition and other Roger B. Whitman books available for free download from our library.


The tractor of to-day is built in almost as many types and designs as there are tractor makers, and is far from being as standard as the automobile. There are tractors with one driving wheel, with two driving wheels, with three and with four, as well as three arrangements of the crawler principle; there are two-wheelers, three-wheelers and four-wheelers; tractors that are controlled by pedals and levers and tractors that are driven by reins.

Thus if a man who is competent to handle and care for one make is given another make to run, he may be entirely at a loss as to how it works and how it should be handled. It is the purpose of this book to explain and describe all of the mechanisms that are in common use in tractor construction, to the end that the reader may be able to identify and understand the parts of whatever make he may see or handle.

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