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  • Tibetan Tales, Derived from Indian Sources

Tibetan Tales, Derived from Indian Sources

by Anton Von Schiefner

Tibetan Tales, Derived from Indian Sources PDF edition and other Anton Von Schiefner books available for free download from our library.


The tales contained in the sacred books of Tibet, it may be as well to remark at the outset, appear to have little that is specially Tibetan about them except their language. Stories possessing characteristic features and suffused with local colour may possibly live in the memories of the natives of that region of lofty and bleak table-lands, with which so few Europeans have had an opportunity of becoming familiar. But the legends and fables which the late Professor Schiefner has translated from the Kah-gyur are merely Tibetan versions of Sanskrit writings. No mention is made in them of those peculiarities of Tibetan Buddhism which have most struck the fancy of foreign observers.

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