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  • The Young Diana -  An Experiment of the Future

The Young Diana - An Experiment of the Future

by Marie Corelli

The Young Diana - An Experiment of the Future PDF edition and other Marie Corelli books available for free download from our library.


Once upon a time, in earlier and less congested days of literary effort, an Author was accustomed to address the Public as “Gentle Reader.” It was a civil phrase, involving a pretty piece of flattery. It implied three things: first, that if the Reader were not “gentle,” the Author’s courtesy might persuade him or her to become so—secondly, that criticism, whether favourable or the reverse, might perhaps be generously postponed till the reading of the book was finished,—and thirdly, that the Author had no wish to irritate the Reader’s feelings, but rather sought to prepare and smooth the way to a friendly understanding.

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