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  • The Woman in White

The Woman in White

by Wilkie Collins

The Woman in White PDF edition and other Wilkie Collins books available for free download from our library.


The Woman in White is considered to be the first mystery novel which has been remembered for creation of sensation novels genre in the literary world. This novel is written by Wilkie Collins, an English novelist remembered for his literary contributions such as The Woman in White, The Moonstone, Armadale, and No Name.

Walter Hartright is hired as an art teacher by Limmeridge household comprising Frederick Fairlie, Laura Fairlie daughter of Frederick and Marian Halcombe, half-sister of Frederick. Walter is surprised to see Laura resembles a woman named Anne whom he met earlier while she was escaping from an asylum. From the family, he learns that Anne is their neighborhood girl and she is mentally ill.

Soon Walter falls in love with Laura, however Marian disapproving this and asking him to leave Limmeridge. Laura as promised to his father planning to marry Percival Glyde. Anne knowing this informs Walter and warns Laura that Glyde had pretended to love her and he is the reason behind her move to asylum. In spite of Anne’s warning, Laura and Glyde get married and go for honey moon.

Glyde is getting into financial troubles and persuades Laura to sign a forging document to inherit properties of Limmeridge. As their efforts fails, along with his relatives he derives a plot to switch identity of Laura and Anne. As per their plan, Anne who dies naturally is buried as Laura. Laura has been put to asylum as Anne.

In the preceding incidents Walter investigations reveal Laura’s true identity and marries Laura. Also his investigation revealed the secret behind the resemblance of Laura and Anne, as Anne is illegitimate daughter of Laura’s father Frederick.

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