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  • The Mysterious Stranger, and Other Stories

The Mysterious Stranger, and Other Stories

by Mark Twain

The Mysterious Stranger, and Other Stories PDF edition and other Mark Twain books available for free download from our library.


The Mysterious Stranger is the last novel written by Mark Twain, an American author and humorist, who is best remembered as “the father of American literature”.

The Mysterious Stranger being his last attempted novel which he could not complete it fully. This novel explores the author’s ideas of moral sense and the damned human race; in effect it is a serious social commentary by him and he worked on this novel almost for 11 years, though periodically starting from 1897 to 1908.

The mysteries Stranger has been written with four central characters Theodor, the protagonist; Satan, an angel named after his uncle, the fallen Satan; Seppi, a friend of Theodor's and Nikolaus'; One of the boys to whom Satan reveals his true self; Nikolaus, a friend of Theodor's and Seppi's.

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