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  • The Millbank Case -  A Maine Mystery of To-day

The Millbank Case - A Maine Mystery of To-day

by George Dyre Eldridge

The Millbank Case - A Maine Mystery of To-day PDF edition and other George Dyre Eldridge books available for free download from our library.


THEODORE WING had no known enemy in the world. He was a man of forty; “well-to-do,” as they say in New England; a lawyer by profession, and already “mentioned” for a county judgeship. He was unmarried, but there were those who had hopes, and there was scarce a spinster in Millbank who hadn’t a kindly word and smile for him—at times. He was not a church member, but it was whispered that his clergyman was disposed to look leniently on this shortcoming, for Wing was a regular attendant at service and liberal with money for church purposes, which, shrewd guessers said, some of the church members were not.

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