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  • The Lake Regions of Central Africa -  A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 1

The Lake Regions of Central Africa - A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 1

by Richard F. Burton

The Lake Regions of Central Africa - A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 1 PDF edition and other Richard F. Burton books available for free download from our library.


Modern “hinters to travellers” direct the explorer and the missionary to eschew theory and opinion. We are told somewhat peremptorily that it is our duty to gather actualities not inferences—to see and not to think, in fact, to confine ourselves to transmitting the rough material collected by us, that it may be worked into shape by the professionally learned at home. But why may not the observer be allowed a voice concerning his own observations, if at least his mind be sane and his stock of collateral knowledge be respectable?

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