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  • The Hour of the Dragon

The Hour of the Dragon

by Robert E. Howard

The Hour of the Dragon PDF edition and other Robert E. Howard books available for free download from our library.


The Hour of the Dragon is a fantasy fiction work written by Robert E. Howard which has been published in the Weird Tales Magazine. Excerpts from the book.

The other three drew in their breath sharply, and the dark, powerful man who stood at the head of the sarcophagus whispered: 'The Heart of Ahriman!' The other lifted a quick hand for silence. Somewhere a dog began howling dolefully, and a stealthy step padded outside the barred and bolted door. But none looked aside from the mummy-case over which the man in the ermine-trimmed robe was now moving the great flaming jewel while he muttered an incantation that was old when Atlantis sank.

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