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  • The Heart's Domain

The Heart's Domain

by Georges Duhamel

The Heart's Domain PDF edition and other Georges Duhamel books available for free download from our library.


I am beginning a book with what sounds like a very ambitious title. I wish to say at once that I have no qualifications to discuss political, historical or economic matters. I leave to the scholars who are versed in these redoubtable questions the task of explaining, skilfully and definitely, the great misery that has befallen our time.

I thus at the same time renounce most of the opportunities and obligations of my title. But I wish, with all my heart, to pursue with a few people of good will a friendly discussion the object of which remains, in spite of all, the heart’s domain, or the possession of the world.

The possession of the world is not decided by guns. It is the noble work of peace. It is not involved in the struggle which is now rending society. Even so, men will find themselves engaged in an undertaking that will threaten to overwhelm them with suffering and despair.

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