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  • The Haunted Fountain (A Judy Bolton Mystery)

The Haunted Fountain (A Judy Bolton Mystery)

by Margaret Sutton

The Haunted Fountain (A Judy Bolton Mystery) PDF edition and other Margaret Sutton books available for free download from our library.


The Haunted Fountain is the part of a collection of 38 juvenile mystery & detective stories written by Margaret Sutton featuring the lead character Judy, a young woman who resolves mysteries with realistic situations. The Haunted Fountain is about a talking fountain which was visited by Judy during her childhood while she went to Brandt estate.  She could not believe how the fountain was speaking to her not to trespass.  She went along with her friend and ignored the fountains cautions of not trespassing and was confronted by mysterious people inside the fountain.  How Judy found a diamond in the fountain and was wondering how it arrived there.  Later she realizes, the mysteries are connected with the Brandt estate and resolve them as the story progress.

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