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  • The Golden Bowl

The Golden Bowl

by Henry James

The Golden Bowl PDF edition and other Henry James books available for free download from our library.


The Golden Bowl is a adultery fiction novel written by American novelist Henry James who is known  for his short narratives such as Daisy Miller, A Passionate Pilgrim, The Beast in the Jungle, and The Aspern Papers.

The Golden Bowl narrates how the father-daughter relationships intimacy went on to spoil their marriages and oust their spouses.  Amerigo marries Maggie who is the daughter of Adam, a wealthy financier.  Before their marriage Amerigo re-encounters his ex love Charlotte, who is happened to be childhood friend of Maggie.  Maggie unaware of their earlier relationship, persuades Charlotte to marry his father who is a widower. Though both pairs get married, Maggie gives more importance to her relationship with her father than her husband. This creates a circumstance and make the relationship between Amerigo and Charlotte even stronger.

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