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  • The Golden Asse or The Metamorphoses

The Golden Asse or The Metamorphoses

by Apuleius

The Golden Asse or The Metamorphoses PDF edition and other Apuleius books available for free download from our library.


The Golden Asse is one of the oldest surviving Latin novels written by the Latin prose writer and magician Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis, whose other writings include A Discourse on Magic, On Plato and his Doctrine, On the God of Socrates, On the Universe, and Florida: A compilation of twenty-three extracts from his various speeches and lectures.

The Golden Asse narrates the story of Lucius, whose curiosity and experiments on magic results in his transformation to a donkey. Upon the transformation, he witnesses unusual things and the story moves on to the famous myth of Cupid and Psyche. Eventually his transformation is reversed back to human by Osiris.

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