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The Goblin Groom - a Tale of Dunse

by R. O. Fenwick

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The Author of the Goblin Groom can, on no consideration, be induced to follow the example of the amiable and justly celebrated Madame de Genlis, who, in her Historical Romance of the Chevaliers du Cygne, observes,—“Enfin l’ideè de faire mourir l’heroine de l’histoire des les premieres pages, et cependant de s’occuper d’elle jusqu’ a la fin, est peutetre assez neuve pour meriter quelqu’ indulgence.” Could he, on the contrary, prolong the precious life of his exalted hero, but for a single day, he should feel more real delight, than the indulgence due to the most afflicting novelty can possibly confer. But though unable to guard him from the blow, which the unrelenting hand of time must one day inflict, the author can at least promise, if he shall himself survive the catastrophe, to restore him to the respectful consideration of his readers, in a form at once congenial to the spirit of poetry, and suitable to the taste and temper of the times. To some of his readers, it may be necessary to remark, which must readily occur to the attention of the critic, that his true hero is only to be discovered,

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