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  • The Day of Resis

The Day of Resis

by Lillian Frances Mentor

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Harry had long since learned to love Enola, but she had told him positively when he approached her on the subject of marriage, that she only thought of him as a brother, but that sometime she might learn to think of him in a different way; until that time, however, he must not mention the subject again. Harry had promised, and so the matter had rested; but he had not forgotten her words, and he now saw a chance, while on this long journey, to win the love he craved.

He was twenty-eight, and by hard work, and strict attention to his duties, had been promoted to the position of cashier in the bank of which his father was president. He and his father had both left the bank for an indefinite period just a few days before our story opens, fully decided on taking a long vacation, spending the time in Europe. So Enola’s plans had not upset theirs to any great extent; they would now take a trip into Africa, instead of through Europe.

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