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  • The Cross and the Hammer: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings

The Cross and the Hammer: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings

by H. Bedford-Jones

The Cross and the Hammer: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings PDF edition and other H. Bedford-Jones books available for free download from our library.


This is a story about the very real people and events; if ever you chance to read the old Sagas of Norway you will come upon most of the characters of this tale. The viking age was not Christian, it was full of the clash of arms and of unknightly deeds, yet its story is vitally interesting.

The Hammer of Thor, the War-god of northern Europe, did not yield to the Cross of Christ without a struggle, and the story of Norway's conversion is intensely dramatic. King Hakon the Good, a foster-son of the English King Athelstan, was forced to recant his faith in order to hold his throne; King Olaf Triggveson lost his kingdom, or rather gave it up, at Svolde Sound, because he refused to do the like; and King Olaf the Thick, who followed him, fell beneath the heathen weapons of his subjects, becoming the patron saint of Norway.

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