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  • The Child and the Dream -  A Christmas Story

The Child and the Dream - A Christmas Story

by Marion Cook Stow

The Child and the Dream - A Christmas Story PDF edition and other Marion Cook Stow books available for free download from our library.


This, little Dear-My-Love, is the story of a Child whom I am sure you would have loved. For people did love her very much, she was so quaint and dear. She was a remarkably bright Child and the beauty of her being bright was that she did not know it. She did bright things and said bright things and it never entered her mind to marvel at her own cleverness. However, I doubt if she would have thought of what I am going to tell you, had it not been for the Storyist.

It was somewhat absurd, the whole thing; yet it was an experience one would not soon forget. It began, little Dear-My-Love, on a certain morning when the Child stood looking out of the window of her own pretty room. She was watching two little birds which sat huddled close together on the branch of a big fir tree; but she really wasn’t thinking about the birds. She had heard Lady-Mother say at breakfast that it lacked but two weeks of Christmas, and she had not yet selected her Gift for Lady-Mother. She was so extremely particular about what it should be that it was difficult to decide upon anything.

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