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  • The Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague -  A Plain Sermon

The Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague - A Plain Sermon

by James Galloway Cowan

The Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague - A Plain Sermon PDF edition and other James Galloway Cowan books available for free download from our library.


That God is the maker and preserver of all things, both visible and invisible; that He orders all things in heaven and earth according to His own will; that all parts of the universe have their origin, their functions, their capabilities from Him; that they operate or are suspended at His word; that He exalts to prosperity, and lays low in adversity; that He kills and makes alive—are truths which, asserted in a general way, I suppose all of you would readily acknowledge. 

But, brethren, would it not be only in this general way?  In particular and individual instances of what are called nature’s operations, is not the great moving or permitting power often lost sight of, ay, and virtually denied to be at work?  Much of this oversight, this practical infidelity, is due, I doubt not, to our use of the word “nature.”  We talk of the law of nature, we admire and wonder at the works of nature, until we all-but deify nature, and dethrone nature’s God

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