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  • The Beaver  (Vol 1)

The Beaver (Vol 1)


The Beaver (Vol 1) PDF edition and other C. H. FRENCH books available for free download from our library.


The Beaver is the biographical writing of the Hudson Bay Company's Pioneer Steamer Ruled West Coast Trade for 20 years. The “Beaver,” of 109 Tons Burthen, Took Prominent Part in History of British Columbia–Cared for Wants of 40,000 Natives. There was not a single phase of British Columbia history from 1835 to 1874 in which H.B.S.S. “Beaver” did not play a large part. She was admired by all those old pioneers associated with the history of the West Coast.

The foundation of Victoria City was laid by the “Beaver.” Fort Rupert and Nanaimo were built under her protection, and though Fort Simpson was founded prior to her arrival on the coast, she was the main protection of that establishment for many years afterwards.

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