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  • The Anabasis of Alexander

The Anabasis of Alexander

by Arrian

The Anabasis of Alexander PDF edition and other Arrian books available for free download from our library.


The Anabasis of Alexander is the English translation of the Greek version of “The history of the wars and conquests of Alexander the Great”, written by Arrian.  Arrian, the author and philosopher of Roman era is considered as one of the founders of military-based historical writings, best known for this work other than his writings such as Discourses of Epictetus and Indica.  

The translator of this book CHINNOCK, believes that Arrian’s writings were not translated in the style it was written, though the contents of his works were widely translated in many languages.  Chinnock states in the preface of this book that, he has tried his best to translate this without losing the essence of Arrian’s writings.  A detailed study on Arrian’s life and his writings are provided before the opening of this book.  Divided into seven books, this edition is a complete work of “The Anabasis of Alexander”.

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