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  • Story of the automobile -  Its history and development from 1760 to 1917

Story of the automobile - Its history and development from 1760 to 1917

by H. L. Barber

Story of the automobile - Its history and development from 1760 to 1917 PDF edition and other H. L. Barber books available for free download from our library.


This book, the “Story of the Automobile,” shows the struggle of man for one hundred and fifty years to devise a means of propelling a vehicle without animal power.

It describes the various stages of the evolution of the idea of motive force other than animal power, in France, England, Germany and the United States, and its triumphant culmination in a successful horseless vehicle. And it makes clear how, when the automobile became of practical use, its successful commercialization became most profitable in the shortest period of time of that of any product of man’s ingenuity supplying an article to meet human wants. 

The chapter by the Business Bourse deals with the automobile industry from the standpoint of the financial and investment aspects of the automobile, accessory and tire manufacturers’ securities, and Mr. Frederick’s reputation in the financial world is a guarantee of the authoritative accuracy of the facts presented in this chapter.

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