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  • Sticks and Stones -  A Study of American Architecture and Civilization

Sticks and Stones - A Study of American Architecture and Civilization

by Lewis Mumford

Sticks and Stones - A Study of American Architecture and Civilization PDF edition and other Lewis Mumford books available for free download from our library.


This is an attempt to evaluate architecture in America in terms of our civilization. I have not sought to criticize particular buildings or tendencies: I have tried, rather, by approaching our modern problems from their historic side, to criticize the forces that from one age to another have conditioned our architecture, and altered its forms.

Lest my purpose be misunderstood, I have left out illustrations; for a building is not merely a sight; it is an experience: and one who knows architecture only by photographs does not know it at all. If the omission of pictures lead the reader occasionally to break away from the orbit of his daily walks, and examine our development in cities and buildings for himself, it will be sufficiently justified.

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