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  • Six Major Prophets

Six Major Prophets

by Edwin Emery Slosson

Six Major Prophets PDF edition and other Edwin Emery Slosson books available for free download from our library.


Six Major Prophets is a book written by American Magazine editor Edwin Emery Slosson, one of the renowned popularizer of science for his skills in explaining the science to common man.  During his long career at “The Independent” , he wrote many articles as editor of the magazine and his skills developed were basis for most of his books such as Great American Universities, Major Prophets of Today, and Six Major Prophet.

Edwin mentions in the preface of the book that, he has selected twelve persons for this book on the basis that, those personalities had philosophy of life and they had a message in them for public attention which could crucial for the then society.  Though originally written as “Major Prophets of Today”, this book has Six people namely GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, H. G. WELLS, G. K. CHESTERTON, F. C. S. SCHILLER, JOHN DEWEY, and RUDOLF EUCKEN. 

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