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Sir Isumbras at the Ford

by D. K. Broster

Sir Isumbras at the Ford PDF edition and other D. K. Broster books available for free download from our library.


Sir Isumbras at the Ford is a fiction story written by D. K. Broster, who is also the co-author of books like CHANTEMERLE, and THE VISION SPLENDID contributed along-with G. W. Taylor.

The unusual presence of a statue of the Virgin, and of Mme. d'Aulnoy's Contes de fées on the second floor this London house, was, naturally, but a consequence of that same series of events which had brought thither their small owner. Seven years before, the only daughter of James Elphinstone of Glenauchtie, a retired official of high standing in the service of John Company, had lost her heart to a young Frenchman, the Marquis René de Flavigny, whom she had met on a visit to Paris. 

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