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  • Santa Claus' Frolics

Santa Claus' Frolics

by George M. Baker

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The rising of the curtain discloses room, with a fireplace, C., on either side or above which are hung stockings of various sizes, from the baby’s little sock to Bridget’s long and broad red, blue, or black hose. On the right of the fireplace is the Christmas tree, hidden by a curtain, which is so arranged that it may be easily removed (or, if double parlors are used, or the entertainment is given in a hall or vestry, the tree can be placed in one corner of the audience-room, and while the attention of the auditors is diverted by the entertainment in the other room, or upon the platform, the tree can be lighted). Six or eight children in the scene, arrayed in night dresses and caps, with lighted candles in their hands, moving about, and occasionally looking up chimney.

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