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  • Plet -  A Christmas Tale of the Wasatch

Plet - A Christmas Tale of the Wasatch

by Alfred Lambourne

Plet - A Christmas Tale of the Wasatch PDF edition and other Alfred Lambourne books available for free download from our library.


A tale from out my western life you say?

Something to while the Christmas Eve away;

And something, too, to suit this festal time,

With two old bachelors, long past their prime,

Who as they sip in solitude their wine,

Are filled with memories of Auld Lang Syne?

Well,—I grant it. Yet why did you add,

Something to suit the time? I shall be glad—

But was the last a tongue slip? Let it go.

Still, why I asked, the tale will clearly show.

As I proceed and still you care to hear,

You'll find it suits this night of all the year.

8Oh, yes! to fill your wish I'm full inclined,

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