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  • Philip Rollo, Vol. I (of 2)

Philip Rollo, Vol. I (of 2)

by James Grant

Philip Rollo, Vol. I (of 2) PDF edition and other James Grant books available for free download from our library.


Philip Rollo or THE SCOTTISH MUSKETEERS is the first of two volume novel written by James Grant, who is also the author of "ROMANCE OF WAR," "JANE SETON,", etc.. At a sale of the effects of an eminent antiquary lately deceased, it was our happiness and good fortune to become the possessor of a certain little MS. volume, closely written, in a neat small hand of the 17th century. It is very thick, contains nearly a thousand pages, is bound in black leather, and is fastened by two brass clasps. On the title-page was written, "The Storie of my Lyffe, concludit to this year 1660."

On examining our literary and antiquarian treasure, which we did with ardour, we found that it was the adventures of a Scottish gentleman, of that stirring period indicated by the date, who had served for a time, as a soldier of fortune, in the armies of Denmark. We found the book interesting, from the glimpses of wild adventure, hair-breadth escapes, high military courage, and raciness it exhibited; thus, the more we read, the more pleased did we become.

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