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  • Our Little Roumanian Cousin

Our Little Roumanian Cousin

by Clara Vostrovsky Winlow

Our Little Roumanian Cousin PDF edition and other Clara Vostrovsky Winlow books available for free download from our library.


Our Little Roumanian Cousin is written by Clara Vostrovsky Winlow. Balkan states are the small countries in the southern Europe, fighting each other with their enemies of equal strength.

Two of the Balkan states Walachia and Moldavia taken a wise decision of joining together and formed a separate country named Romania. Their alliance made them stronger and grew stronger as a state.

For better living conditions, they though farming can be one of the way to their economic growth and they did succeed in it and end up one of the largest grain exporter in the Europe.  Let us wait and see whether Romania will win the Europen war or will it get destroyed.

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