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  • Oliver Bright's Search

Oliver Bright's Search

by Edward Stratemeyer

Oliver Bright's Search PDF edition and other Edward Stratemeyer books available for free download from our library.


Oliver Bright’s Search, the second volume of the Bound to Succeed Series, relates the adventures of a manly American youth who goes West to locate a mine in which his invalid father owns a large interest. Oliver is just out of school, and has but little experience in travelling, yet he does not hesitate to take the trip to California, by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and thence into the interior on horseback.

Oliver is, in every respect, an up-to-date boy; one who will stand no nonsense when dealing with those who would defraud his father out of his lawful property; yet the boy’s moral principles are of a high order, and he is not unmerciful when the object of his long search has been gained.

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