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  • Nona Vincent

Nona Vincent

by Henry James

Nona Vincent PDF edition and other Henry James books available for free download from our library.


Nona Vincent is a short story by Henry James. Excerpts from the book

The year before, in a big newspapery house, he had found himself next her at dinner, and they had converted the intensely material hour into a feast of reason.  There was no motive for her asking him to come to see her but that she liked him, which it was the more agreeable to him to perceive as he perceived at the same time that she was exquisite.  She was enviably free to act upon her likings, and it made Wayworth feel less unsuccessful to infer that for the moment he happened to be one of them.  He kept the revelation to himself, and indeed there was nothing to turn his head in the kindness of a kind woman. 

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