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  • My Home in the Alps

My Home in the Alps

by Alice Le Blond

My Home in the Alps PDF edition and other Alice Le Blond books available for free download from our library.


In this little volume, much of the matter in which first appeared in the St. Moritz Post, or, as it is now called, the Alpine Post, I have jotted down a few things of interest to the ordinary traveller in Switzerland. To climbers, my notes will be but a thrice-told tale, and one which, doubtless, many of them could tell far better, while not a few of them have already told it elsewhere. The idea of publishing these trifling papers came to me through the necessity of replying to many questions on the subjects to which I refer; for, living as I do in Switzerland, I naturally am supposed to be more familiar with the peculiarities of the country and people than is the ordinary tourist.

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