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  • Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte

by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte PDF edition and other Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne books available for free download from our library.


Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, is the biography of the French Revolutionary Napoleon Bonaparte, written as 4 books with chronologically categorized incidents from the year 1769 to 1821.

There are already many books have been published on the illustrious name, under various titles of historical memoirs, secret memoirs, and other rhapsodies which have appeared respecting Napoleon.

The author has noted in the published books rude and ill digested compilations, filled with absurd anecdotes, fabricated speeches, fictitious crimes or virtues, and disfigured by numerous anachronisms, instead of being consigned to just contempt and speedy oblivion, have been pushed into notice by speculators, and have found zealous partisans and enthusiastic apologists. This edition is an effort correct those which are connected with those facts, to a more accurate knowledge.

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