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  • Lord of the Silent Death

Lord of the Silent Death

by Robert Moore Williams

Lord of the Silent Death PDF edition and other Robert Moore Williams books available for free download from our library.


Samuel Morton found the box in Asia Minor, in a niche in the tomb of a forgotten Sumerian king, and not being able to open it, brought it back to this country with him. Morton was an archeologist, on the staff of the Asia Museum, located in South Chicago.

After months of effort, he succeeded, one hot August afternoon, in opening the box. But the death that lurked in it did not strike then. It waited. Morton was alone that night, in the basement of the museum, trying to decipher the hieroglyphics engraved on the lid of the box—hieroglyphics written in no known language—when the silence came. The first sound to disappear was the rattle of the street cars on the surface line a block distant.

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