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Written by John Stoughton

The Palace of Glass and the Gathering of the People

The Palace of Glass and the Gathering of the People

by John Stoughton

Five centuries ago there might have been seen in the streets of old London, one of those gifted mortals who are now and then sent into the world by the Father of spirits, to stamp their name upon the age in which they live, and to enshrine its memory amidst the splendours of their own genius.  With a deep and luminous insight into the scenes o..

Ecclesiastical History of England, The Church of the Restoration, Vol. 1 of 2

Ecclesiastical History of England, The Church of the Restoration, Vol. 1 of 2

by John Stoughton

The knell of the Puritan Commonwealth was rung when Oliver Cromwell died. The causes of its dissolution may easily be discovered. Some of them had been in operation for a long time, and had prepared for the change which now took place. Puritanism never won a majority of the English people. By some of the greatest in the nation it was espoused, and ..

Christian Literature

Christian Literature

by John Stoughton

The chapter before us is plainly a supplement to the main history.  St. John concluded that history under a deep conviction that it was far from a full account of his Master’s wonderful ministry.  “Many other signs,” said he, “truly did Jesus, in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book.”  But in this supplem..