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  • How to live -  A manual of hygiene for use in the schools of the Philippine

How to live - A manual of hygiene for use in the schools of the Philippine

by Adeline Knapp

How to live - A manual of hygiene for use in the schools of the Philippine PDF edition and other Adeline Knapp books available for free download from our library.


In America, where they make the best locomotive engines in the world, they say that the life of an engine is about twenty years. That is, when they build an engine, they know about how much work it will have to do and what usage it is likely to have. They know that the engine is strong enough to do such work and stand such usage for twenty years. So they say that the length of the engine’s life is twenty years.

Now, a man’s body is, in its way, a machine. It is made to do certain work, and if it has the right sort of care, it ought to be healthy and do the work required of it, to the end of the man’s life. 8It is estimated that the natural life of a man is seventy years. This little book is intended to tell us how to live and something about caring for our bodies so that they shall last as long as possible, and be ready and able to do their work in the world.

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