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  • How Paris Amuses Itself

How Paris Amuses Itself

by F. Berkeley Smith

How Paris Amuses Itself PDF edition and other F. Berkeley Smith books available for free download from our library.


How Paris Amuses Itself is a travel guide of the third largest tourist attraction of the world. Known for its highest GDP and being fashion hub of the world, life at Paris is enjoyable and amusing.  If you are planning to visit Paris, this guide will provide an exploration of the city.  Divided into ten chapters the author provide an enjoyable and informative read about Paris Dines, Bars, Cabarets, Circuses, Powder puffs, and the shows.  

If you are an epicure with a fortune, you will find restaurants whose interiors are marvels of refinement and good taste, whose cellars hold priceless wines, and whose cuisines would grace the table of a king; or, if you are a bohemian, there is good-fellowship and a cheering dish awaiting you at a price within the means of even poets and dreamers. But it is after one dines that Paris throws open the doors of her varied attractions.

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