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  • Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes

Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes

by W. D. Westervelt

Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes PDF edition and other W. D. Westervelt books available for free download from our library.


However doctors may differ concerning the way that our earth came into being, most of them agree that in its early days meteoric bodies from space flew together and produced a hotter globe than at present. Perhaps its surface was all covered with vast circular lakes of lava such as our telescopes reveal in great perfection, ring upon ring, over the surface of the moon. On the moon these rings and pits are now cold, remnant from a time when the gases from the inside of our satellite were bubbling forth from a great internal heat supply and bringing with them oceans of slag which seethed and swirled in circular pools which formed symmetrically within ramparts of their own spatter.

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