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  • H. G. Hawker, airman -  his life and work

H. G. Hawker, airman - his life and work

by Bryce Walton

H. G. Hawker, airman - his life and work PDF edition and other Bryce Walton books available for free download from our library.


The figure of Hawker looms up large in the early days of aviation, and such was the man, that even after the war, with the hundreds of thousands of people that came into the movement, he still stood out a noteworthy figure. His name will go down for all time coupled with others who gave their lives for the cause, such as Rolls, Grace, Cody. 

It does indeed show a singular change in the mentality of the nation that the most popular sporting figures of recent times have been men whose prowess has been associated with their domination over machinery rather than animals. The bicycle was the instrument that first compelled the attention of all to a knowledge of mechanics, the motor-car demanded further knowledge on the subject, but it was not until the advent of the aeroplane that the imagination of the youth of this country was fired to appreciate the necessity for knowledge of mechanics.

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